Hello weekend!

Hello weekend!

It isn’t often that I get one but I am thankful for it when I do. Now, what to do? What does everybody that has a normal job do on the weekends?

When you work retail for as long as I have you accept the fact that all your days just kinda blur together. Your weekend could be a Tuesday and Wednesday, or you may just have to work 10 days in a row before you get 1 day off. Usually, the days I do get off consist of catching up on things around the house that I otherwise leave to the wayside until they get so overwhelming I have no idea where to start. Not to mention having a day off during the week affords me the luxury of being here alone for at least part of the day, which for a mom is very nice.

Now, figuring out what to do when I actually get a real weekend off is sometimes difficult and responsibilities typically trump going out and doing something “enjoyable”. Do I stay home and do the 10 loads of clothes that are starring at me? Or do I put blinders on, put a bra on and actually get dressed and go out? It is usually the chores that win.

So, as I think about what I could be doing now instead of writing this, everyone is starting to emerge from their comfy beds. For whatever reason, I am the only one that can’t seem to sleep in around here. So let the day begin and see what unfolds. Wonder how long before everyone starts getting on my nerves and I wish I was at work instead.